Dr Jan Ingenhousz FRS
Died aged c. 69
Wikidata WikipediaJan (or John) Ingenhousz or Ingen-Housz FRS (8 December 1730 – 7 September 1799) was a Dutch-born British physiologist, biologist and chemist. He is best known for discovering photosynthesis by showing that light is essential to the process by which green plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. He also discovered that plants, like animals, have cellular respiration. In his lifetime he was known for successfully inoculating the members of the Habsburg family in Vienna against smallpox in 1768 and subsequently being the private counsellor and personal physician to the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa.
Commemorated on 1 plaque
Dr. Jan Ingen Housz 1730-1799 The Dutch physician and scientist discovered photosynthesis in 1779. He died at Bowood and is buried in St. Mary's church
Church Street, Calne, United Kingdom where they was