Catherine Winkworth

woman and hymnologist

Died aged c. 51

Catherine Winkworth (13 September 1827 – 1 July 1878) was an English hymnwriter and educator. She translated the German chorale tradition of church hymns for English speakers, for which she is recognized in the calendar of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She also worked for wider educational opportunities for girls, and translated biographies of two founders of religious sisterhoods. When 16, Winkworth appears to have coined a once well-known political pun, peccavi, "I have Sindh", relating to the British occupation of Sindh in colonial India.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Susanna Winkworth (1820-84) & Catherine Winkworth (1827-78) Susanna (Philanthropist)/ Catherine (Hymnologist), lived here (1862-74)

31 Cornwallis Crescent, Bristol, United Kingdom where they lived