Christian Wolff
Died aged c. 75
Wikidata WikipediaChristian Wolff (less correctly Wolf, German: [vɔlf]; also known as Wolfius; ennobled as Christian Freiherr von Wolff in 1745; 24 January 1679 – 9 April 1754) was a German philosopher. Wolff is characterized as the most eminent German philosopher between Leibniz and Kant. His life work spanned almost every scholarly subject of his time, displayed and unfolded according to his demonstrative-deductive, mathematical method, which perhaps represents the peak of Enlightenment rationality in Germany. Following Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Wolff also wrote in German as his primary language of scholarly instruction and research, although he did translate his works into Latin for his transnational European audience. A founding father of, among other fields, economics and public administration as academic disciplines, he concentrated especially in these fields, giving advice on practical matters to people in government, and stressing the professional nature of university education.
Commemorated on 4 plaques
Tu urodził się i mieszkał w latach 1679-1699 Christian Wolff Syn garbarza i rajcy miejskiego matematyk i filozof
English translation: Here was born and lived between 1679 and 1699 Christian Wolff Son of a tanner and city councillor, mathematician and philosopher
Garbary 11, Wrocław, Poland where they was born (1679) and lived
Große Märkerstraße Nr. 10 Renaissancehaus um 1558 vermutlich von Ratsbaumeister Nickel Hofmann, im 17./18. J[ahr]h[undert] barock umgebaut 1764 - 1945 Druck- und Verlagshaus Gebauer-Schwetschke seit 1954 Museum Hier wohnten 1587 - 1610 Arzt Balthasar Brunner 1733 - 1741 Professor der Rechte Johann Gottlieb Heineccius 1741 - 1754 Professor der Philosophie und Mathematik Christian Wolff 1761 -1762 Professor der Philosophie Christian Weber
Große Märkerstraße Nr. 10, Halle, Germany where they lived