Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
philosopher, physicist, writer, wit, satirist, and mathematician
Died aged c. 57
Wikidata WikipediaGeorg Christoph Lichtenberg (1 July 1742 – 24 February 1799) was a German physicist, satirist, and Anglophile. As a scientist, he was the first to hold a professorship explicitly dedicated to experimental physics in Germany. He is remembered for his posthumously published notebooks, which he himself called sudelbücher, a description modelled on the English bookkeeping term "waste books" or "scrapbooks", and for his discovery of tree-like electrical discharge patterns now called Lichtenberg figures.
Commemorated on 5 plaques
In diesem Hause wurde geboren am 1ten July 1742 Georg Christoph Lichtenberg witziger Kopf, geistvoller Schriftsteller wissenshaftlicher Forscher, kenntnißreicher Gelehrter, liebenswürdiger Mensch redlicher Deutscher Gestiftet 1842
Grafengasse 15, Ober-Ramstadt, Germany where they was born (1742)
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg 1742 - 1799 "Es ist die Frage, welches schwerer ist, zu denken oder nicht zu denken"
Pädagog, Pädagogstr. 5, Darmstadt, Germany where they was
In diesem Haus verbrachte der bedeutende Mathematiker, Physiker und Philosoph Georg Christoph Lichtenberg in den Jahren 1752-1756 die angenehmsten Tage seines Lebens
Villastr. 2, Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany where they lived
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg Physiker Schriftsteller Philosoph 1775 - 1799
Gotmarstr. 1 (Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg-Haus), Göttingen, Germany where they was
Hier lebte der Komponist Johann Christoph Gaubner 1738 - 1760 und der Philosoph Georg Christoph Lichtenberg 1752 - 1763
Luisenstraße, Darmstadt, Germany where they lived