Dr Ernst Abbe PhD

Died aged 64

Ernst Karl Abbe HonFRMS (23 January 1840 – 14 January 1905) was a German physicist, optical scientist, entrepreneur, and social reformer. Together with Otto Schott and Carl Zeiss, he developed numerous optical instruments. He was also a co-owner of Carl Zeiss AG, a German manufacturer of scientific microscopes, astronomical telescopes, planetariums, and other advanced optical systems.

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Commemorated on 4 plaques

Hier stand das Geburtshaus von Prof. Dr. Ernst Abbe geb. 23. Januar 1840

Sophienstraße / Jakobstraße, Eisenach, Germany where they was born (1840)

Universitätssternwarte Errichtet auf Veranlassung von Ernst Abbe als Neubau der 1813 von Goethe eingerichteten alten Sternwarte

Observatory, Schillergässchen, Jena, Germany where they was

Ernst Abbe ab 1870 Prof. d. Physik u. Mathematik Univ. Jena . 1878 - 1900 auch Direktor der Sternwarte Otto Heinrich Knopf ab 1889 Observator der Sternwarte. 1897-1927 (em.) Prof. d. Astronomie Univ. Jena

Schillergässchen 2, Jena, Germany where they was director of the observatory

Hier wohnte Ernst Abbe 1871 - 1879

Neugasse 23, Jena, Germany where they lived