Wilhelm Cuno

Died aged c. 57

Wilhelm Carl Josef Cuno (2 July 1876 – 3 January 1933) was a German businessman and politician who was the chancellor of Germany from 1922 to 1923, for a total of 264 days. His tenure included the episode known as the Occupation of the Ruhr by French and Belgian troops and the period in which inflation in Germany accelerated notably, heading towards hyperinflation. Cuno was also general director of the Hapag shipping company.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Friedr. Wilh. Weber Der Sänger v. Dreizehnlinden 1813 - 94 Engelb. Humperdinck Komponist 1854 - 1921 Karl Weierstrass Mathematiker 1815 - 1897 Caspar Klein Erzbischof v. Paderborn 1865 - 1941 Wilhelm Ealdeyer Anatom 1886 -1921 Johannes Linneborn Dompropst 1867 - 1933 Wilhelm Schneider Bischof von Paderborn 1847 - 1909 Wilhelm Cuno Reichskanzler 1876 - 1933 Franz Hitze Soziapolitiker 1851 - 1921 Paul Lejeune-Jung Mitgl. d. Widerstands-Regier.g 1882 - 1944 Clemens Baeumker Philosophiehistoriker 1853 - 1924 Franz Hengsbach Kardinal 1910 - 1991 [full inscription unknown]

Theodorianum, Paderborn, Germany where they was a student