Hugh Latimer
Bishop of Worcester (1535-1539) and martyr (from 1555)
Died aged c. 68
Wikidata WikipediaHugh Latimer (c. 1487 – 16 October 1555) was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, and Bishop of Worcester during the Reformation, and later Church of England chaplain to King Edward VI. In 1555 under the Catholic Queen Mary I he was burned at the stake, becoming one of the three Oxford Martyrs of Anglicanism.
Commemorated on 1 plaque
Opposite this point near the Cross in the middle of Broad Street Hugh Latimer One time Bishop of Worcester, Nicholas Ridley Bishop of London, and Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury, were burnt for their faith in 1555 and 1556. H.H.
Balliol College, Broad Street, Oxford, United Kingdom where they was burned