Royal Birmingham Society of Artists
group, learned society of artists (from 1814), and society (from 1814)
Aged 211
Wikidata WikipediaThe Royal Birmingham Society of Artists or RBSA is an , based in the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham, England, where it owns and operates an art gallery, the RBSA Gallery, on Brook Street, just off St Paul's Square. It is both a registered charity, and a registered company (no. 122616).
Commemorated on 2 plaques
Royal Birmingham Society of Artists Founded 1814
4 Brook Street, Birmingham, United Kingdom where it was founded
Conrad Kickert né en 1882 à La Haye (Pays-Bas) habita cette maison et y eut son atelier de 1937 à sa mort le 26 Juin 1965
English translation: Conrad Kickert born in 1882 in The Hague (Netherlands) lived in this house and had his studio from 1937 until his death June 26, 1965
33 rue Boissonade, Paris, France where it was