Cummer's Chapel, Toronto

place and chapel

Closed aged unknown

Commemorated on 1 plaque

Church Avenue. Here, on land granted to Jacob Cummer, an early settler who came with his family from Pennsylvania in 1797, stood "Cummer's Chapel". In 1816 a Sunday school was established in his log house and camp meetings were held at his saw mill. In 1834 he gave this site for "A Place Where Divine Services Were To Be Held Forever" and a Methodist Episcopal log meeting house was built. In 1856 a yellow brick building, later Willowdale United Church, replaced the log chapel. In 1930 the front part was removed with the widening of Yonge Street and the remainder was demolished in 1956, with new church facilities being established nearby.

Yonge Street and Church Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada where it sited