Dr Axel Munthe
medical writer, Humanist, friend of the humble, animal protector, and Doctor of Medicine (from 1880)
Died aged c. 92
Wikidata WikipediaAxel Martin Fredrik Munthe (31 October 1857 – 11 February 1949) was a Swedish-born medical doctor and psychiatrist, best known as the author of The Story of San Michele, an autobiographical account of his life and work. He spoke several languages (Swedish, English, French, Italian fluently, and German at least passably), grew up in Sweden, attended medical school there, then studied medicine in Paris and opened his first practice in France. He was married to a wealthy Englishwoman and spent most of his adult life in Italy. His philanthropic nature often led him to treat the poor without charge, and he risked his life on several occasions to offer medical help in times of war, disaster, or plague. As an advocate of animal rights, he purchased land to create a bird sanctuary near his home in Italy, argued for bans on painful traps, and himself kept pets as diverse as an owl and a baboon, as well as many types of dog. His writing is light-hearted, being primarily memoirs drawn from his real-life experiences, but it is often tinged with sadness or tragedy, and often uses dramatic licence. He primarily wrote about people and their idiosyncrasies, portraying the foibles of both the rich and the poor, but also about animals.
Commemorated on 4 plaques
Axel Munthe 1857 - 1949 Medico scrittore umanista amico degli umili protettore degli animali. In questa casa da lui ideata e creata reco dalla nativa Svezia il suo culto della bellezza. Con "La storia di San Michelle lascio all umanita" il suo messaggio di arte e di poesia
Villa San Michelle, Via Axel Munthe, Anacapri, Italy where they designed and created Villa San Michelle
To the everlasting memory of Dr. Axel Munthe 1857 - 1949 His life - a radiant symbol of perfect humanity
Villa San Michelle, Via Axel Munthe, Anacapri, Italy where they is commemorated
Al Doctor Axel Munthe Protector de los animales maltratados. Y amigo de todos los ferros Con admiracion y respeto dediga este homenaje E. Ana Maria Lapido Presidenta Fundadora de la ex-sogiedad Dr Axel Munthe (Defensa del animal)
English translation:
Villa San Michelle, Via Axel Munthe, Anacapri, Italy where they is commemorated
Questo edifico é una delle prime residenze signorili di Via Porta (ora Viale Axel Munthe). La veste attaule é risultato di una ristrutturazione (1898) di un preesistente impianto settecentesco. Agli inizi del sec XX come 'Hotel Barbarossa', fu insieme al 'Ristorante Barbarossa' uno dei punti più noti e frequentati di Anacapri. Dal 1959 proprietà della fondazione San Michelle fu, dalla stessa, donata al Comune di Anacapri nel 1979
Via Axel Munthe, Anacapri, Italy where they named