Dr Gennaro Felicè Arucci

Died aged c. 62

Commemorated on 1 plaque

Al Martire Cittadino Gennaro Felicè Arucci Medico Insigne che nel XVIII Marzo MDCCC espiava sul patibolo l'amore che senti per la patria Capri Questo marmo consacra monito severo al tiranni che mal si cementa col sangue il trono ammaestramento civile al popoli che martirio e liberta sono I termini del progresso umano

English translation: To the Martyr Citizen Gennaro Felicè Arucci medical teacher, who on the 18th March 1800 atoned on the scaffold for the love you feel for the homeland of Capri. This marble consecrates severe warning to tyrants who are badly cemented with blood. The throne civil instruction to the peoples that martyrdom and freedom are the terms of human progress.

Piazza Umberto I, Capri, Italy where they was executed (1800)