Salvatore Quasimodo
author, poet, and Nobel Literature Laureate (from 1959)
Died aged c. 67
Wikidata WikipediaSalvatore Quasimodo (Italian: [salvaˈtoːre kwaˈziːmodo]; August 20, 1901 – June 14, 1968) was an Italian poet and translator. In 1959, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature "for his lyrical poetry, which with classical fire expresses the tragic experience of life in our own times". Along with Giuseppe Ungaretti and Eugenio Montale, he was one of the foremost Italian poets of the 20th century.
Commemorated on 1 plaque
In queste stanze aperte al sole della vita memore della felicita antica che sempre ispiro la sua poesia il premio nobel Salvatore Quasimodo meridionale d'Italia uomo del creato di terra e d'acque s'ebbe morte prematura tra Giovani Poeti che con lui convitavano alle muse Alfonso Gatto Detto Amalfi 28.XII.1968
Via Salvatore Quasimodo (near tunnel exit), Amalfi, Italy where they was (1968)