Queen Natalie of Serbia
woman and Queen Consort of Serbia
Died aged c. 82
Wikidata WikipediaNatalija Obrenović (Serbian Cyrillic: Наталија Обреновић; 15 May 1859 – 8 May 1941), née Keshko (Romanian: Natalia Cheșcu; Russian: Наталья Кешко), known as Natalie of Serbia, was the Princess of Serbia from 1875 to 1882 and then Queen of Serbia from 1882 to 1889 as the wife of Milan I of Serbia. Of ethnic Romanian origin, she was the daughter of Russian colonel Petre Keşco and Romanian noblewoman Princess Pulcheria Sturdza. A celebrated beauty during her youth, she was later regarded as one of the most beautiful queens in Europe.
Commemorated on 1 plaque
Sa majeste la reine Nathalie de Serbie 1859 - 1941 a habite dans cette maison
English translation: Her majesty Queen Nathalie of Serbia 1859 - 1941 lived in this house [AWS Translate]
11 rue Royale, Paris, France where they lived