Rose Valland LdH

Died aged c. 82

Rose Antonia Maria Valland (1 November 1898 – 18 September 1980) was a French art historian, member of the French Resistance, captain in the French military, and one of the most decorated women in French history. She secretly recorded details of the Nazi plundering of National French and private Jewish-owned art from France; and, working with the French Resistance, she saved thousands of works of art.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

De l'automne 1940 a l'ete 1944, le batiment du Jeu de Paume fut requisitionne par les forces d'Occupation pour entreposer, trier et expedier en Allemagne des oeuvres volees a des collectionneurs, des marchands d'art, des artistes et de simples particuliers de confession juive. Sur l'ordre de Jacques Jaujard, Directeur des Musees nationaux, Rose Valland attachee de conservation au Musee du Jeu de Paume, suivit et enregistra quotidiennement ces operations a l'insu de l'occupant, malgre les risques encourus. Cette mission permit ensuite la localisation et la restitution de plus de 45 0000 oeuvres d'art. La presente plaque a ete devoilee le 27 Avril 2005 par Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres, Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication, en hommage a cet acte de courage et de resistance.

English translation: From the autumn of 1940 to the summer of 1944, the building of the Jeu de Paume was required by the Occupation forces to store, sort and ship stolen works in Germany to collectors, art dealers, artists and private individuals of the Jewish faith. On the orders of Jacques Jaujard, Director of the National Museums, Rose Valland attached conservation to the Musee du Jeu de Paume, followed and recorded these operations daily without the occupant's knowledge, despite the risks involved. This mission then enabled the localization and restitution of more than 45,000 works of art. The present plaque was unveiled on 27 April 2005 by Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres, Minister of Culture and Communication, in tribute to this act of courage and resistance. [AWS Translate]

Jeu de Paume, Jardin des Tuileries, Paris, France where they was