Cdre Capt John Paul Jones
Commodore, one of America's first Naval officers, naval hero of the American Revolution, Admiral of Russian Navy, national hero, father of United States Navy, and United States Navy Captain
Died aged c. 45
Wikidata WikipediaJohn Paul Jones (born John Paul; July 6, 1747 – July 18, 1792) was a Scottish-American naval captain who was the United States' first well-known naval commander in the American Revolutionary War. He made many friends among U.S political elites (including John Hancock and Benjamin Franklin) as well as enemies (who accused him of piracy), and his actions in British waters during the Revolution earned him an international reputation that persists to this day. As such, he is sometimes referred to as the "Father of the American Navy" (a nickname he shares with and John Adams). Jones was born and raised in Scotland, became a sailor at the age of thirteen, and served as commander of several merchantmen. After having killed one of his mutinous crew members with a sword, he fled to the Colony of Virginia and around 1775 joined the newly founded Continental Navy in their fight against the Kingdom of Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War. He commanded U.S. Navy ships stationed in France, led one failed assault on Britain, and several attacks on British merchant ships. Left without a command in 1787, he joined the Imperial Russian Navy and obtained the rank of rear admiral.
Commemorated on 6 plaques
To commemorate the birthplace of one of America's first Naval officers and a hero of the American Revolution Captain John Paul Jones 1747 - 1792.
Arbigland Estate, Kirkbean, United Kingdom where they was born (1747)
Commodore John Paul Jones. Illustrious naval hero of the American Revolution. Born here July 6, 1747.
John Paul Jones Cottage Museum, Kirkbean, United Kingdom where they was born (1747)
Джон Пол Джонс John Paul Jones Контр-адмирал российского флота, национальный герой и основатель флота США Admiral of Russian Navy, national hero and father of United States Navy Жил в этом доме в 1788-1789 lives here from 1788 to 1789
English translation:
Bolshaya Morskaya street, 23, Санкт-Петербург - St Petersburg, Russia where they lived (1788-1789)
"I have not yet begun to fight." John Paul Jones, capitaine de vaisseau de la marine des États-Unis, chevalier de l'ordre du Mérite militaire et l'un des héros de la guerre de l'indépendance américaine, est mort dans cette maison le 18 juillet 1792.
English translation: “I have not yet begun to fight.” John Paul Jones, naval captain of the United States Navy, knight of the Order of Military Merit and one of the heroes of the American War of Independence, died in this house on 18 July 1792. [AWS Translate]
19 Rue de Tournon, Paris, France where they died (1792)
The Whitehaven Battery. The only unfriendly American invasion of Britain occurred at Whitehaven in the early hours of 23rd April 1778. John Paul Jones, who apprenticed in the town, led men of the Continental Navy ashore and spiked the harbour's defensive guns before making his getaway. At a ceremony witnessed by representatives of the US Navy on 27th June 1999, Jones was formally pardoned by the Commissioner of the Harbour of Whitehaven, on behalf of the people of the town.
West Strand, Whitehaven, United Kingdom where they invaded (1778)
John Paul Jones. In 1778 John Paul Jones of the American Navy raided the port of Whitehaven. He spiked the guns of the 'Half Moon Battery'. This cannon (known as 'Long Tom') was one of these guns. To commemorate this occasion and the recovery of the gun in 1963 near Tom Hurd's Rock by 124 Recovery Company R.E.M.E. and B Company 4th Battalion Border Regiment T.A. This plaque was presented to Copeland Borough Council by Central Volunteer Headquarters T.A.V.R R.A.M.E..
West Strand, Whitehaven, United Kingdom where they was