thing, computer, and decryption device
Aged unknown
Wikidata WikipediaColossus was a set of computers developed by British codebreakers in the years 1943–1945 to help in the cryptanalysis of the Lorenz cipher. Colossus used thermionic valves (vacuum tubes) to perform Boolean and counting operations. Colossus is thus regarded as the world's first programmable, electronic, digital computer, although it was programmed by switches and plugs and not by a stored program. Colossus was designed by General Post Office (GPO) research telephone engineer Tommy Flowers to solve a problem posed by mathematician Max Newman at the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park. Alan Turing's use of probability in cryptanalysis (see Banburismus) contributed to its design. It has sometimes been erroneously stated that Turing designed Colossus to aid the cryptanalysis of the Enigma. (Turing's machine that helped decode Enigma was the electromechanical Bombe, not Colossus.) The prototype, Colossus Mark 1, was shown to be working in December 1943 and was in use at Bletchley Park by early 1944. An improved Colossus Mark 2 that used shift registers to quintuple the processing speed, first worked on 1 June 1944, just in time for the Normandy landings on D-Day. Ten Colossi were in use by the end of the war and an eleventh was being commissioned. Bletchley Park's use of these machines allowed the Allies to obtain a vast amount of high-level military intelligence from intercepted radiotelegraphy messages between the German High Command (OKW) and their army commands throughout occupied Europe. The existence of the Colossus machines was kept secret until the mid-1970s. All but two machines were dismantled into such small parts that their use could not be inferred. The two retained machines were eventually dismantled in the 1960s. A functioning rebuild of a Mark 2 Colossus was completed in 2008 by Tony Sale and a team of volunteers; it is on display at The National Museum of Computing on Bletchley Park.
Commemorated on 3 plaques
IEEE Milestone in Electrical Engineering and Computing Code-breaking at Bletchley Park during World War II, 1939-45. On this site during the 1939-45 World War, 12,000 men and women broke the German Lorenz and Enigma ciphers, as well as Japanese and Italian codes and ciphers. They used innovative mathematical analysis and were assisted by two computing machines developed here by teams led by Alan Turing: the electro-mathematical Bombe developed with Gordon Welchman, and the electronic Colossus designed by Tommy Flowers. These achievements greatly shortened the war, thereby saving countless lives.
Bletchley Park House, Bletchley Park, Bletchley, United Kingdom where it designed
The former Post Office Research Station where Tommy Flowers (1905–1998) designed and built the pioneering Colossus computer
Chartwell Court, 151 Brook Road, Dollis Hill, London, United Kingdom where it sited
'Building 1' This building was erected in 1933 as the headquarters of the Post Office Engineering Department Research Station During the period 1933 - 1975 many innovative advances including 'Colossus' the worlds first programmable computer, were made in telecommunications and postal engineering on this site.
Chartwell Court, 151 Brook Road, Dollis Hill, London, United Kingdom where it sited