Sir William Brown 1st Baronet
Member of Parliament (1846-1859) and 1st Baronet Brown of Richmond Hill (from 1863)
Commemorated on 2 plaques
Built 1859 Hargreaves Building Designed by J. A. Picton for Sir William Brown
Hargreaves Building, 5 Chapel Street, Liverpool, United Kingdom where they lived
William Brown Street William Brown Street has arguably one of the most impressive collection of civic buildings in the world. Developed principally by Liverpool Corporation, they pivot around the drumlike Picton Reading Room, nicknamed 'Picton's Gasometer'. The Museum and Library, the Walker Art Gallery and former County Sessions House contain internationally important collections created by Liverpool's merchants and magnates. The Museum was extended westwards in the early twentieth century thus completing the group. William Brown Street was named after the local MP whose generous donation made the Museum building possible.
William Brown Street, Liverpool, United Kingdom where they named