Harold Bride
Died aged c. 66
Wikidata WikipediaHarold Sydney Bride (11 January 1890 – 29 April 1956) was a British merchant seaman and the junior wireless officer on the ocean liner RMS Titanic during its ill-fated maiden voyage. After the Titanic struck an iceberg at 11:40 pm 14 April 1912, Bride and his senior colleague Jack Phillips were responsible for relaying CQD messages (later SOS at Captain Edward Smith's urging) to ships in the vicinity, which led to the survivors being picked up by the RMS Carpathia. The men remained at their posts until the ship's power was almost completely out. Bride was washed off the ship as the boat deck flooded, but managed to scramble onto the upturned lifeboat Collapsible 'B', and was rescued by the Carpathia later in the morning. Despite being injured, he helped Harold Cottam, the Carpathia's wireless operator and a personal friend of his, transmit survivor lists and personal messages from the ship.
Commemorated on 2 plaques
Harold Bride (1890-1956) wireless operator aboard RMS Titanic lived here 1903-1922
58 Ravensbourne Avenue, Shortlands, BR2 0BP, London, United Kingdom where they lived (1903-1922)
Harold Bride 1890-1956 wireless operator aboard RMS Titanic lived here 1934-1944
Mansfield Road, Scone, United Kingdom where they lived (1934-1944)