Abel Tasman
explorer, merchant, navigator, and discoverer of Tasmania (from 1642)
Died aged c. 56
Wikidata WikipediaAbel Janszoon Tasman (Dutch: [ˈɑbəl ˈjɑnsoːn ˈtɑsmɑn]; 1603 – 10 October 1659) was a Dutch seafarer, explorer, and merchant, best known for his voyages of 1642 and 1644 in the service of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). He was the first known European explorer to reach New Zealand and the islands of Fiji and Van Diemen's Land (now Tasmania).
Commemorated on 2 plaques
This plaque was unveiled by HRH Prince Lavaka Ata 'Ulukalala on the 8th July 1993 to commemorate the 350th anniversary of Abel Jensen Tasman's visit to Tongatapu on the 21st January 1643
?, Tongatapu, Tonga where they visited (1643)
De Regering van Tasmania heeft deze gedenkplaat laten aanbrengen ter herinnering aan de zeevaarder Abel Janszoon Tasman, geboren te Lutjegast in 1603, ontdekker van Tasmanis op 24 November 1642. This plaque is erected by the Government of Tasmania in memory of Abel Janszoon Tasman, navigator, born at Lutjegast in 1603, discoverer of Tasmania on the 24th November 1642
Abel Tasmanweg, Lutjegast, Netherlands where they was born (1603)