La Muralla

Died aged unknown

Commemorated on 1 plaque

La Muralla Siglo XIV-XVIII Conocemos como La Muralla el entorno donde se ubicaba la antigua Villa hasta mediados del siglo XVII, momento en que la poblacion comenzo a abandonarlo de forma paulatina y comenzo a asentarse en las laderas de la sierra, conformando el actual nucleo de poblacion de Mijas. Este espacio se corresponde con el asentamiento de la poblacion mijena, al menos desde epoca medieval, y estaba delimitado por una muralla de la que aun se conservan algunos lienzos y la que aun se conservan algunos lienzos y la antigua fortaleza medieval, quedando como unica edificacion de aquellos momentos la Iglesia Parroquial cuyo campanario fue en su dia una torre defensiva. En la actualidad en entorno de La Muralla es un espacio ajardinado con unas magnificas vistas del mar Mediterraneo y donde tambien se ubica el Auditorio Municipal.

English translation: Fortress Walls 14th to 18th centuries Known as La Muralla environment where ancient Villa was located to the seventeenth century, when the population began to leave and gradually began to settle on the slopes of the mountain, forming the core of current population of Mijas. This space corresponds to the settlement of the mijena population since at least medieval times, and was enclosed by a wall which even some paintings are preserved and that even some paintings and the medieval fortress are preserved, leaving as the only edification of that time the parish church whose steeple was in his day a defensive tower. Today in environment The Wall is a landscaped area with magnificent views of the Mediterranean and also the Municipal Auditorium where it is located.

Paseo de la Muralla, Mijas, Spain where they built (1400-1800)