Colegiata de Sta. Maria La Mayor, Ronda

place and church (from 1485)

Aged 540

Commemorated on 1 plaque

Colegiata de Sta. Maria La Mayor Una vez conquistada Ronda por los Reyes Catolicos en 1485, la Mezquita Mayor se consagro y transformo en templo cristiano. Esta iglesia, en su origen, tuvo rango de abadia con jurisdiccion especial, casi episcopal. Durante el senorio de los Austrias se constituyo en Colegiata, y en siglo XIX quedo convertida en Parroquia Mayor. El edificio tiene aires de catedral. Su fabrica es de canteria y su construccion se hizo en dos etapas; una parte gotica que debio realizarse muy pronto y que coincide con la planta de la antigua mezquita, y orta, a partir del terremoto de 1580, que supone la ampliacion de la zona norte del templo y que se prolonga hasta el siglo XVIII, presentando una conjuncion de estilos que van desde el renaceentista al barroco. Del edificio musulman quedan algunos restos del Mihrab, asi como gran parte de su traza, datandose el primero entre los siglos XIII y XIV. De el resulta interesante las influencias norteafricanas que presenta. La fachada principal se abre a la plaza con galerias superpuestas que sirvieron de palcos para presenciar los festejos que en Ella se celebraban.

English translation: Collegiate Church of St. Mary Major Ronda Once conquered by the Catholic Monarchs in 1485, the Great Mosque was consecrated and transformed into a Christian church. This church, originally had Abbey range with almost episcopal special jurisdiction. During senorio Habsburg was formed in Collegiate, and stay converted nineteenth century Parish Mayor. The building has the air of a cathedral. Its production is canteria and its construction was done in two stages; a gothic party was to be made very soon and that matches the floor of the old mosque, and Orta, from the earthquake in 1580, which is the northern extension of the temple and extending until the eighteenth century, presenting a conjunction of styles ranging from Baroque renaceentista. The Muslim building some remains of the Mihrab, as well as much of its trace, the first been dated between the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Of the interesting features North African influences. The main facade opens onto the square with overlapping boxes that served galleries to witness the celebrations that were held in her.

Colegiata de Santa MarĂ­a la Mayor - Plaza Duquesa de Parcent , Ronda, Spain where it consecrated and transformed into a Christian church from the Great Mosque (1485)