Arco de Felipe V, Ronda

place and archway (from 1742)

Aged 283

Commemorated on 1 plaque

Arco de Felipe V Probablemente sustituyo a una antigua puerta o postigo de epoca musulmana. La puerta original desparecio y esta nueva fue construida en el lugar conocido como Sillon del Moro. Gracias al texto escrito en una lapida, hoy colocada en un lugar proximo a la puerta pero en origen situada en la parte alta de la construccion, sabemos que se edifico en 1742. Consta de un arco de silleria con atico trapezoidal terminado en un frontoncillo como con un escudo en el centro de una de las dos caras. Se remata con tres pinaculos.

English translation: Arch of Philip V This probably substituted an earlier gateway from the Muslim period. The original gateway disappeared and this new one was constructed in the palce known as the Sillon del Moro (The Moor's Armchair). Thanks to a text engraved on a stone plaque found today close to the archway, but originally situated in the upper part of the construction, we know that it was built in 1742. It consists of an archway of masonry with a trapezoidal top part finished with a small curved fronton with a shield in the centre of one of its two faces. It is topped with three pinnacles.

Felipe V Arch - Calle Real, Ronda, Spain where it built (1742)