10 Hill Street Circa 1923 This home stands on Lot A on the northern edge of the village of Newhaven which was laid out by John Sutherland in 1849. Subsequent owners of Lot A were HC Stroebel, SE Ferreira and PC Hofman, an early Knysna architect, who divided the original lot A into 6 equal parts. In 1905 his estate was assigned and this stand was transferred in 1907 to a local auctioneer James Redbourne Beck. The property was then bought by Petrus Fourie, who applied for a Municipal housing loan in August 1923 so that he could build this house. For many years Robert Vlok, the engineer at Geo. Parkes & Sons, lived here. The Biesenbach family have owned the property since 2001. Immediately north of this property is the commonage set-aside for the residents of Newhaven in 1873.
10 Hill Street, Knysna
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