Temple Romain dedie a Empereur Auguste et son epouse Livie Longueur 23"85 largeur 14"25 hauteur 17"30 La construction au fond, au centre est la «Cella» sur la frise et sur l'architrave de la façade on remaroue des trous de scellement de lettres de bronze - deux inscriptions, successives, ont ete lues, la premiere "A Rome et a Auguste la Seconde " A August et a Livie" divinises. La partie posterieure du temple est la plus ancienne : petits modillons decores, chapiteaux d'acanthe du type Chardonneux. La partie anterieure presente les caracteristiques d'une pooue plus tardive : acanthes plus molles. Le premier edifice endommage peui - etre par un incendie drait ete repare sous Auguste. On remarquera l'exhaussement du sol. Le niveau Romain est marque par le dallage en Pierres Blanches. Ce temple etait situe sur le forum. L'edifice a ete peut - etre des la chute de l'Empire Romain. Transforme en église Notre Dame de la Vie) ce qui ? sa conservation il a ete degage et restaure ? ? [full inscription unknown]

English translation: "Roman Temple dedicated to Emperor Augustus and his wife Livia Length 23 "85 Width 14" 25 Height 17 "30 The building at the bottom, in the center is the "Cella" on the frieze and on the architrave of the facade, there are holes for the sealing of bronze letters - two successive inscriptions have been read, the first in Rome and Augustus the Second "A August and Livia" deities. The later part of the temple is the oldest: small modillons decorated, acanthus capitals of the Chardonneux type. The anterior part presents the characteristics of a later fowling: softer acanthus. The first edifice damaged by a fire should have been repaired under Augustus. Note the elevation of the soil. The Roman level is marked by the paving in White Stones. This temple was located on the forum. The edifice was perhaps the fall of the Roman Empire. Transforms into Our Lady of Life Church) What? Its conservation it was degage and restore? ?"