All'indimenticabile parroco Don Francesco Monti per quarantadue anni padre e pastore zelante che eresse la chiesa dalle fondamenta arricchendola di arredi sacri e suppellettili adornandola di un artistico campanile con armonioso quartetto di campane. Quanti l'amarono uniti nel ricordo e nella ricorrenza dedicano

English translation: "To the unforgettable parish priest Don Francesco Monti for forty-two years zealous father and pastor who erected the church from the foundations enriching it with sacred furnishings and furnishings adorning it with an artistic bell tower with harmonious quartet of bells. Those who loved him united in memory and on the occasion dedicate [AWS Translate]"

on 12 August 1950

Colour: marble




None identified yet. Subjects are curated by hand so please bear with us.