Šiuose rumuose 1945-1946 dirbo zymus rezistentas Lietuvos tautines tarybos ir lietuvos ginkluotuhu pajegu organizatorius ir vadas Jonas Noreika Generolas Vėtra sušaudytas 1947.02.26

English translation: "In these rooms 1945-1946 worked as a significant resistance in the Lithuanian National Council and Lithuanian armed forces powerful organizer and the commander Jonas Noreika General Storm shot down on 26.02.1947"

This (ex) plaque is highly controversial Plaque by plaque, Lithuania confronts its wartime past. Noreika, a partisan leader, was accused of collaboration with the Nazis following research by his granddaughter. In April 2020, lawyer and aspiring politician Stanislovas Tomas was filmed smashing the plaque. OpenPlaques is a historical record and does not censor plaques.

Plaque is now missing

Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Library, Vilnius
Google Streetview OpenStreetMap

Colour: marble

