Town of West Union 1853 – 1910 The town of West Union stood between today's Edgewood Road and Raymundo Drive in Woodside. The town was originally developed by the employees of two lumber mills established by Willard Whipple on West Union Creek. Farming supplemented the lumber work. Other businesses including a saloon and market quickly came into existence. When the timber ran out two successful wineries were established in the area. A school stood where the power substation is currently located. Plaque dedicated this 29th day of March 2008, (Clamp year 6013) by the ancient & hornorable Order of E Clampsus Vitus, Capitulus Redivivus, Yerba Buena number one.

by Order of E Clampus Vitus, Capitulus Redivivus, Yerba Buena #1 on 29 March 2008

Colour: black




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