U borbi protiv okupatora za slobodu domovine u Narodno-oslobodilačkom ratu 1941-1945 Dali su svoje mlade živote Foretic N. Niko 1913-1943 Foretic S. Augustin 1927-1943 Fabris N. Jure 1924-1944 Fabris I. Jure 1920-1944 Foretic N. Spaso 1925-1945 Slava im i hvala! Suborci Vrnika English translation: In the fight against the occupiers for the freedom of the homeland in the People's Liberation War 1941-1945 They gave their young lives Foretic N. Niko 1913-1943 Foretic S. Augustin 1927-1943 Fabris N. Jure 1924-1944 Fabris I. Jure 1920-1944 Foretic N. Spaso 1925-1945 Glory and thanks to them! Comrades of Vrnik

Colour: stone




None identified yet. Subjects are curated by hand so please bear with us.