Carlos III El Noble Rey De Navarra, Otorco a Pamplona El Privilegio Do La Uniór El & 8 De Septiembre De 1423 Para Que Sus Vedinos Pudiesenvivir en Paz, Tranguridad Ve Concordia Perpetua Nafarroako Errege Zen Karlos III a Prestuak Batasunaren Pribilegioa Eman Zion Iruneari, 1423ko Irailaren 8an, Iruindarrak "Bakean, Lasaitasunean Eta Betierko Adiskidetasunean Bizi Zitezen"

English translation: "Charles III, the Noble King of Navarre, granted Pamplona the Privilege of the Union on 8th September 1423 so that its inhabitants could live in peace, tranquillity and perpetual harmony. King Charles III of Navarre granted the Privilege of Union to Pamplona, on September 8, 1423, so that the people of Pamplona could "Live in Peace, Tranquility and Eternal Friendship"."