Berthold Auerbach

Died aged unknown

Berthold Auerbach (28 February 1812 – 8 February 1882) was a German-Jewish poet and author. He was the founder of the German "tendency novel", in which fiction is used as a means of influencing public opinion on social, political, moral, and religious questions.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Richter Berthold Auerbach jg. 1888 Verhaftet 10.11.1938 Sachsenhausen Deportiert 14.12.1942 Minsk Ermordet

English translation: Richter Berthold Auerbach born 1888 Verhaftet 10.11.1938 Sachsenhausen deported 14.12.1942 Minsk murdered

Magdeburger Platz 1, Mitte, Berlin, Germany where they lived