Lorenzo Dow Huston


Died aged c. 67

Lorenzo Dow Huston was born in 1820 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was admitted to the Kentucky Conference as a Methodist minister and was a journalist and editor of the Christian Advocate in Nashville, Tennessee before the Civil War. In 1874 he retired from the ministry and with his family settled in Daytona at the Palmetto House. Mary Huston Hoag, Huston’s sister, had bought the Palmetto House in 1874. Dr. Huston was appointed Daytona’s first mayor in 1876, served as a justice of the peace, and was Volusia County Superintendent of the Public Schools. He served as a county commissioner and in 1887 was appointed by Governor Perry to the State Railroad Commission. That same year he and his wife Maria died of yellow fever within a few days of each other.


Commemorated on 1 plaque

Lorenzo Dow Huston

Lorenzo Dow Huston [full inscription unknown]

Volusia County Library Center, 105 East Magnolia Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL, United States where they was