Museo Etrusco Guarnacci

place and museum

Aged 264

Commemorated on 3 plaques

Sia memoria come nell anno 1877 Il Cav. Niccolo Maffei Sindaco del comune e deputato al parlamento trasferi dal Palazzo Comunale in questo che fu dei desideri il Museo Etrusco Guarnacci accresciuto e ordinato dandogli piu degna e comoda sede insieme all archivio del comune ed alla biblioteca benemerito per avere cosi provveduto alla migliore custodia e conservazione dei monumenti storici della citta che non dimentica del benefizio volle qui posta questa lapide nell anno 1889

English translation: Both memory as in the year 1877 The Cav. Niccolo Maffei Mayor of the municipality and deputy to the parliament transfer from the Palazzo Comunale in this that was of desires the Guarnacci Etruscan Museum increased and ordered giving it more dignified and comfortable seat together with the municipality archive and the library meritorious for having done so to the best custody and conservation of the historical monuments of the city that does not forget the benefit here he wanted this plaque in the year 1889

Museo Etrusco - Via Don Giovanni Minzoni, Volterra, Italy where it moved to (1877)

Il canonico Dottore Pietro Franceschini nel 1732 donando al comune numerosa e bella collezione di urne scavate ne suoi possessi diede origine al pubblico Museo il Magistrato Comunale d' allora in segno di gratitudine concesse la cittadinanza Volterrana a lui al fratello ai discendenti: nel 1889 Si testimona l' atto generoso e nuono ponendo questa memoria.

English translation: The canon Doctor Pietro Franceschini in 1732 donating to the municipality a large and beautiful collection of urns excavated in his possessions gave rise to the public Museum the Municipal Magistrate of the time in sign of gratitude granted the Volterrana citizenship to him to his brother to his descendants: in 1889 It is testified to the generous and nuono act by placing this memory. [AWS Translate]

Museo Etrusco - Via Don Giovanni Minzoni, Volterra, Italy where it received a donation of urns (1732)

Mario Guarnaccio Patric Volat Rom Aulae Praesul Signaturae Iust XII viro seniori Lateran Basilicae Canonico De Pontificia historia de re antiquaria de literarum dignitate de ingenuarum artium splendore egregie merito Quod patriae exornandae studiosissimus immortalitati et genio eius amplissimum Museum Etruscum ex munifcentia dicaverit ordo decurionum civitate plaudente Honoris gratique animi caussa eximiae liberalitati perpetuitatem decrevit an MDCCLXI

English translation: Mario Guarnaccii Patric It flies in Romans palaces are the prelate, Signatura to scorn 12 to the men of his elder, Lateran, the Basilica of the canon of the The Pontifical history of the subject female antiquarian, from the letters of dignity for the fine arts and has the splendor of the brilliant merit of the fact that his country, to embellish his most zealous for the believe in immortality, and the disposition of his most splendid and Museum of the Etruscans, from the munifcentia he gives such, the order of the deputies come the city, amidst the applause of Honour of gratitude that The cause of the continuity of extraordinary generosity and decided whether 1761 [Google Translate]

Garden of Museo Etrusco - Via Don Giovanni Minzoni, Volterra, Italy where it founded (1761)