Saint George


Aged unknown

Saint George (Greek: Γεώργιος (Geórgios), Latin: Georgius, Arabic: القديس جرجس; died 23 April 303), also George of Lydda, was a Christian who is venerated as a saint in Christianity. According to tradition he was a soldier in the Roman army. Saint George was a soldier of Cappadocian Greek origin and member of the Praetorian Guard for Roman emperor Diocletian, who was sentenced to death for refusing to recant his Christian faith. He became one of the most venerated saints and megalomartyrs in Christianity, and he has been especially venerated as a military saint since the Crusades. He is respected by Christians, Druze, as well as some Muslims as a martyr of monotheistic faith. In hagiography, as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers and one of the most prominent military saints, he is immortalized in the legend of Saint George and the Dragon. His memorial, Saint George's Day, is traditionally celebrated on 23 April. Historically, the countries of England, Ukraine and Ukrainian Cossacks, Ethiopia, Georgia, Catalonia and Aragon in Spain, and Moscow in Russia have claimed George as their patron saint, as have several other regions, cities, universities, professions and organizations. The Church-Mosque of Saint George in Lod, Israel contains a sarcophagus believed by many Christians to contain St. George's remains.

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Commemorated on 2 plaques

Torre-portal de Sant Jordi (s. XIV) En els seus orígens era una de les quatre portes principals d'accés a la vila. Segons diu la llegenda, Sant Jordi lluità amb el drac davant d'aquest portal. Torre-portal de Sant Jordi. En sus orígenes era una de las cuatro puertas principales de acceso a la villa. Según dice le leyenda delante de esta torre Sant Jordi mató al dragón. The tower - porch of Sant Jordi. At the beginning it was one of the most important gates in the town. It is said that in front of this tower the knight Saint Geroge killed the dragon. Tour - porte de Sant Jordi. À ses origines c'était une des entrées principales de la ville. Selon la légende devant cette porte le chevalier Saint-Georges tua le dragon.

English translation: The tower - porch of Sant Jordi. At the beginning it was one of the most important gates in the town. It is said that in front of this tower the knight Saint Geroge killed the dragon.

Portal de Sant Jordi - Muralla de Sant Jordi, Montblanc, Spain where they was

La llegenda de Sant Jordi Centúries enrere va presentar-se a les portes de la vila de Montblanc un drac espaordidor. Amb el seu alè fètid i verinós matava va convocar tot el poble i van acordar donar ala bèstia un parell de bens cada dia. Acabats els bens, li van donar bousi cavalls. I quan ja no disposaven de cap animal, van decidir que, per sorteig, cada dia li lliur arien una persona. La filla del rei s'encarrega del sorteig i va extreure un nom. Era el seu! Tothom va esclatar en plors però ella va sortir cap al bosc a complir la seva sort. De cop i volta va veure davant seu un jove cavaller, amb armadura la princesa va pregar-li que no s'exposes a una mort segura. Ell li va dir que es deia Jordi i que venia a salvar-la. Llavors es va presemtar el drac però el cavaller el va ferir sota l'ala esquerra. Va demanar el cenyidora la perquè ella el portés a la ciutat. Enmig de la plaça els esperava el poble. Amb un altre cop de llança Sant Jordi remata el drac, que es va fondre en la terra. I d'alli va néixer a l'acte un roser de roses roges com la sang. Sant Jordi va recollir la mes bonica i la va oferir a la princesa. I va sortir per aquest portal on tu, avui, recordes la seva gesta.

English translation: The legend of Saint George Centuries ago, a dreaded dragon appeared at the gates of the town of Montblanc. With his fierce and poisonous breath, he killed all the people and agreed to give a beast a couple of goods every day. Finished the goods, they gave him horses. And when they no longer had any animals, they decided that, by drawing, a person was given a day. The daughter of the king is in charge of the draw and extracted a name. It was his! Everyone exploded in tears but she went out to the wood to fulfil her luck. Suddenly a young gentleman was seen before him, with armour the princess begged him not to be exposed to a safe death. He told him that it was called George and that he came to save her. Then the dragon was presumed but the horseman hurt him under the left wing. He asked the fellow for her to take him to the city. In the middle of the square the people waited for them. With another shot of San Jorge throw ends the dragon, which melted into the ground. And from there was born a rosary of red roses like blood. Saint George picked up the most beautiful month and offered it to the princess. And it came out through this portal where you, today, remember your deed.

Portal de Sant Jordi - Muralla de Sant Jordi, Montblanc, Spain where they was