Dr Luis Encina Candevat
politician and physician
Died aged 67
WikidataLuis Encina Candebat or Candevat (Malaga, November 1, 1860 - Malaga, October 28, 1928) was a Spanish physician and politician of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.
Commemorated on 1 plaque
En esta casa nació la eminente actriz Rosario Pino Bolaños, gloria del arte escénico español. El Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Málaga, en sesión celebrada el 30 de enero de 1914 bajo la presidencia de su alcalde D. Luis Encina Candevat, acordó la colocación de esta lápida como testimonio de adhesión al homenage celebrado en su tournée de despedida a la vez que la nombró hija predilecta de esta ciudad.
English translation: In this house, the eminent actress Rosario Pino Bolaños, a glory of Spanish performing art, was born. The City Council of Malaga, in a session held on January 30, 1914 under the presidency of its mayor Mr. Luis Encina Candevat, agreed to place this plaque as a testimony of adherence to the tribute celebrated on her farewell tour while naming Favorite Daughter of this city.
Calle Refino, 26, Málaga, Spain where they was president