D. H. Lawrence English author 11.9.1885-2.3.1930 lived here 1920-1923

"The street that bears the property’s name doesn’t actually contain the house and to confuse things further, neither does the adjoining Via David Lawrence. Both of these thoroughfares are rather unlovely, lined by two and three storey post-war dwellings, punctuated by the occasional guesthouse, most notably the one named after the Englishman from Nottingham. The street sign with his name is a prosaic monotone sheet full of rust. A few feet from the sign, the road splits; one section flowing around the curve of the hill with glimpses of the limpid sea, the other going uphill flanked by houses on both sides. Both lead to the property. The high road crests the hill and is confronted by two dwellings, the second of which, a cream-coloured façade sporting a pink stripe, is our writers’ retreat. The only sign of its famous inhabitants is a chiselled plaque embedded into the plaster deno" - http://www.timesofsicily.com/literary-ghosts-taormina/