B' tifkira hienja ta' meta nġiebet f' dan il-maqdes tat-tħabbira tal-mulej lill-imqaddsa dejjem verġni marija għall-qima tal-poplu ta' alla,ix-xbieha għażiża tal-patrijarka san ġużepp li sa minn żmien bikri l-ordni tal-karmelu ħatru b' ħarries u xempju tar-rabta ma' ġesù kristu u ommu marija u li sewwasew 150 sena ilu l-q.t. il-papa piju ix għarfu u ħatru bħala patrun tal-knisja universali. illum l-1 ta' marzu 2020 ir-reliġjużi karmelitani, il-poplu ta' alla u l-imxierka ta' san ġużepp fir-rabat tal-imdina waqfu dan il-mafkar.

English translation: "With an unworthy remembrance of the time she was brought into this slain of the announcement of the lord to the holy forever virgin mary for the worship of the people of god, the treasured image of patriarch St. Joseph that from an early time the order of carmelon appointed him with a watch and a beacon of attachment to Jesus Christ and his mother mary and who were just 150 years ago q.t. pope pius ix recognized and appointed him as patron of the universal church. today 1 March 2020 the Carmelite religious, the people of god and the improper of St. Joseph in the pine stopped this mafkar. [AWS Translate]"

by L-Ordni tal-Karmelu on 01 March 2020

Colour: marble




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