Places, subjects, or plaques matching "Clonegal"
1 organisation matching "Clonegal"
2 plaques matching "Clonegal"
Gate Of Tears Geata Na nDeor before the bridge and this road existed the River Derry was crossed by means of a ford located at the end of a lane that came over Drumderry Hill. Here emigrants from Clonegal parish had their last view of their native valley and the Wicklow Hills, here too they made their final goodbye to their relatives.
Ballyshonock, Kildavin, Ireland
1798 - 1938 I ndil cuimne ar na laocra croda as as paróiste Cluan nd nGall a tug a n-anmanna ar son na hEireann i mblian 1798. In proud memory of the brave men of Clonegal PArish who gave their lives for IReland in 1798. R.I.P.
Clonegal, Co Carlow, Ireland
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