Leendert Viervant the Younger

Died aged 49

Leendert Viervant de Jonge (Leendert Viervant the Younger) (Arnhem, 5 March 1752 – 4 July 1801, Amsterdam), was a Dutch architect and cabinet builder. Viervant stemmed from a family of architects, cabinet builders and stonemasons. His father, , was the son of cabinet builder and stonemason and married Catharina Maria Otten, the sister of the neoclassical architect Jacob Otten Husly. Also Hendrik's brother, , was a cabinet maker and Anthonie's son designed garden pavillons and facades. All these family members have designed some buildings in 18th century Netherlands. Thanks to his family background, Viervant had a good basis to work from. Born and raised in the provincial city of Arnhem, he studied to become an architect with his uncle Husly. In 1768 he was entered into the stonemason guild of Amsterdam, where he lived and worked. He lived at the Amstel and later near (1784–1790). In 1791 he was forced to let his inventory be liquidated, because he couldn't fulfill his financial obligations any longer – finally he was able to come to arrangements with his creditors. According to his uncle Husly, Viervant couldn't handle money, and he lived a wild life. In 1798 he became one of the three directors at the City and Public Works Department of the City Amsterdam, after his predecessor had to leave because of his support of the Orange family (this was between the revolution and the inclusion in the French Empire).

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Commemorated on 2 plaques

Teylershofje Gebouwd 1785-1787 naar ontwerp van Leendert Viervant. Gesticht uit nalatenschap van Pieter Teyler van der Hulst. Classicistische ingangspartij met dorische zuilenportiek.

English translation: Teylershofje Built 1785-1787 designed by Leendert Viervant. Founded as a result of Pieter Teyler van der Hulst's legacy. Classicist entrance party with doric columned porch. [AWS Translate]

Koudenhorn 64, Haarlem, Netherlands where they designed

Teylers Museum Oudste museum van Nederland. Gebouwd in 1780 naar ontwerp van L. Viervant uit de nalatenschap van Pieter Teyler van der Hulst. Monumentale gevel uit 1878 van Chr. Ulrich. Collectie van prenten, childerijen, natuurkundige instrumenten, fossielen en mineralen, munten en penningen.

English translation: Teylers Museum Oldest museum in the Netherlands. Built in 1780, designed by Leendert Viervant from Pieter Teyler van der Hulst's legacy. Monumental façade from 1878 Christian Ulrich. Collection of prints, paintings, physical instruments, fossils and minerals, coins and tokens. [AWS Translate]

Spaarne 16, Haarlem, Netherlands where they designed