Rudyard Kipling
poet, story writer, writer, journalist, author of Just So Stories, author of Kim, author of The Jungle Books, and Nobel Literature Laureate (1907)
Died aged c. 71
Wikidata WikipediaJoseph Rudyard Kipling (/ˈrʌdjərd/ RUD-yərd; 30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936) was an English novelist, short-story writer, poet, and journalist. He was born in British India, which inspired much of his work. Kipling's works of fiction include the Jungle Book duology (The Jungle Book, 1894; The Second Jungle Book, 1895), Kim (1901), the Just So Stories (1902) and many short stories, including "The Man Who Would Be King" (1888). His poems include "Mandalay" (1890), "Gunga Din" (1890), "The Gods of the Copybook Headings" (1919), "The White Man's Burden" (1899), and "If—" (1910). He is seen as an innovator in the art of the short story. His children's books are classics; one critic noted "a versatile and luminous narrative gift". Kipling in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was among the United Kingdom's most popular writers. Henry James said "Kipling strikes me personally as the most complete man of genius, as distinct from fine intelligence, that I have ever known." In 1907, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, as the first English-language writer to receive the prize, and at 41, its youngest recipient to date. He was also sounded out for the British Poet Laureateship and several times for a knighthood, but declined both. Following his death in 1936, his ashes were interred at Poets' Corner, part of the South Transept of Westminster Abbey. Kipling's subsequent reputation has changed with the political and social climate of the age. The contrasting views of him continued for much of the 20th century. Literary critic Douglas Kerr wrote: "[Kipling] is still an author who can inspire passionate disagreement and his place in literary and cultural history is far from settled. But as the age of the European empires recedes, he is recognised as an incomparable, if controversial, interpreter of how empire was experienced. That, and an increasing recognition of his extraordinary narrative gifts, make him a force to be reckoned with."
Family tree
Commemorated on 9 plaques
Rudyard Kipling 1865-1936 poet and story writer lived here 1889-1891
43 Villiers Street, Westminster, WC2, London, United Kingdom where they lived (1889-1891)
here lived 1897-1903 Rudyard Kipling 1865-1936
Rottingdean, Rottingdean, United Kingdom where they lived
Rudyard Kipling 1865-1936 writer and Nobel Laureate lived here as a boy 1871-1877
Lorne Lodge, Campbell Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, United Kingdom where they lived
Rudyard Kipling lived here at Rock House from 1896-1898 on his return from America
Rock House, Rock House Lane, Maidencombe, Torquay, United Kingdom where they lived
Rudyard Kipling son of Lockwood Kipling first Principal of the Sir J. J. School of Art was born here 30-12-1865
Sir J. J. Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai, India where they was born (1865)
This terrace of twelve houses was occupied by the United Services College September 1874 to March 1904. Rudyard Kipling was educated here January 1878 to July 1882 under Cormell Pric(illegible) first headmaster
Kipling Terrace, Westward Ho!, United Kingdom where they was educated
Rudyard Kipling 1865-1936 Sydney ... was populated by leisured multitudes all in their shirt-sleeves and all picnicking all the day. They volunteered that they were new and young, but would do wonderful things some day. Something of Myself (1937) Rudyard Kipling visited Sydney in 1891. A prolific writer of verse and stories, including the two volumes of The Jungle Book, he had a strong influence on Australian poets like 'Banjo' Paterson.
Near Sydney Opera House, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia where they visited
Rudyard Kipling 1865-1936 English journalist, poet and writer of "The Jungle Books", Just So Stories" and "Kim". His patriotic interest in Army, Sea and Empire led to many visits to Simon's town and stories about its characters.
St George's Street, Simon's Town, South Africa where they visited
At Goldings Farm on this site Rudyard Kipling (1865-1836) his sister, Alice & Stanley Baldwin (1867-1947) spent the 'Loughton Idyll' of 1877
Goldings Manor Cottage, 3 Stanmore Way, Loughton, United Kingdom where they was