Giorgi Tsereteli

Died aged 68

Giorgi (George) V. Tsereteli FRAS (alternately transliterated as Cereteli) (გიორგი წერეთელი in Georgian, 8 October 1904 – 9 September 1973) was a Georgian scientist and public benefactor, founder of the well-known Georgian scientific school of Oriental Studies. He founded both the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Tbilisi State University (TSU) the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (GNAS), the latter of which he was the first Director. He was also an Academician of GNAS, a Meritorious Scientific Worker of Georgia, a Doctor of Philological Sciences and a Professor.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

ამ სახლში 1964 - 1973 წ. წ. ცხოვრობდა გამოჩენილი ქართველი მეცნიერი, სსრ კავშირის მეცნიერებათა აკადემიის აკადემიკოსი გიორგი ვასილის ძე წერეთელი В этом доме в 1964-1973 г. г. жил выдающийся грузинский ученый, академик Академии наук СССР Церетели Георгий Васильевич

English translation: In this house 1964 - 1973. so called. Prominent Georgian scientist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Giorgi Vasili Dze Tsereteli lived In this house in 1964-1973, Georgian scientist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Tsereteli Georgy Vasilyevich, who appeared in the year 1964-1973 [AWS Translate]

62 Ilia Chavchavadze Avenue, Tbilisi, Georgia where they lived (1964-1973)