William Tuke
Died aged c. 90
Wikidata WikipediaWilliam Tuke (24 March 1732 – 6 December 1822), an English tradesman, philanthropist and Quaker, earned fame for promoting more humane custody and care for people with mental disorders, using what he called gentler methods that came to be known as moral treatment. He played a big part in founding The Retreat at Lamel Hill, York, for treating mental-health needs. He and his wife Esther Maud backed strict adherence to Quaker principles. He was an abolitionist, a patron of the Bible Society, and an opponent of the East India Company's inhumane practices.
Commemorated on 1 plaque
In the gardens of this house, a former Quaker burial ground, are the graves of many Friends, including John Woolman, William Alexander, William and Esther Tuke and Lindley Murray. Friends who wish may visit them.
Tuke House, Cromwell Road, York, United Kingdom where they was buried (1822)