Charles Darwin 1809-1882. Disembarco en esta caleta de wulaia, centro del territorio yamana el 23 de enero de 1833. Su estadia en Chile entre 1832 y 1835, durante su viaje a bordo de la "Beagle", contribuyo a la elaboracion de sus idea cientificas. Homenaje en el bicentenario de su natalicio.

English translation: "Charles Darwin 1809-1882. Disembarked from this cove Wulaia, center of Yamana territory Jan. 23, 1833. His stay in Chile between 1832 and 1835, during his trip aboard the "Beagle", contributed to the development of their scientific idea."
This is an approximate position

entrance to the old meteorology station, Bahia Wulaia
[geolocate this address]
Google Streetview OpenStreetMap

by Academia chilena de ciencias

Colour: marble



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