The Opera House, 1897-1932, Kamloops Musical and Athletic Association. Before it was destroyed by fire in 1932 the Opera House not only hosted opera, poetry readings, drama, and choirs but also boxing, wrestling, movies, and basketball. In 1899 the very popular Metropolitan Opera Company came to town and because Kamloops appreciated “great music” the Boston Grand Opera Company followed in 1909. Other famous celebrities included the dynamic Pauline Johnson who in 1902 provided a “bright programme” performing “humourous skits between poems.” Described as the “Mohawk-Princess” she thrilled people with her powerful stage presence starting with a First Nations’ costume and finishing in Victorian dress. Later in 1910 Boris Karloff started his acting career here as an understudy. Boris “picked up all I could backstage regarding makeup and other mysteries,” - a great start for Frankenstein! During the First World War and afterwards the Opera House provided “a musical treat and up-to-date amusement” and “the very best film service.” Overall, it was a great cultural centre!