Mrs. Robert Wyatt
Died aged unknown
Commemorated on 1 plaque
Texas Historical Marker #10829
Grand Bluff Cemetery. This cemetery originally served the pioneers who settled in the nearby community of Grand Bluff (.5 mi. W), an early ferry crossing on the Sabine River. The earliest known burials, dated 1838, are for Mary Frances Hoyle and Mrs. Robert Wyatt. Land for the cemetery was donated by David Vawter, an early ferry operator. The settlement of Grand Bluff began to decline in the 1880s, when railroads made the ferry crossing obsolete. The cemetery was last used in 1906 for the burial of Dr. David M. Vawter, son of the site's donor. Texas Sesquicentennial 1836 - 1986 #10829
?, Carthage, TX, United States where they was buried (1838)