Emerald Mechanics' Institute

Aged 120

Commemorated on 1 plaque

MIV Historical Plaques Program #0016

Emerald Mechanics' Institute. Established 1905 and relocated to this site in 1923.The Mechanics’ Institute movement began in British urban industrial centres in the early 1800s. A “mechanic” was a person applying skills and technology. During the 19th century, most towns in Victoria established a Mechanics’ Institute or Athenaeum with a library and meeting hall. Common objects were the “spread of useful knowledge” and provision for “rational recreation” in the community. This plaque, No. 16 in the MIV series, commemorates the Institute's 100 years of service to the Emerald community.

400a Belgrave-Gembrook Rd, Emerald, Victoria, Australia where it sited