Joseph Sampson Gamgee FRSE
surgeon, founder of the Birmingham Hospital Saturday Fund, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Died aged c. 58
Wikidata WikipediaDr Joseph Sampson Gamgee, MRCS, FRSE (17 April 1828, Livorno, Italy – 18 September 1886) was a surgeon at the Queen's Hospital (later the General Hospital) in Birmingham, England. He pioneered aseptic surgery (having once shared lodgings with Joseph Lister), and, in 1880 invented Gamgee Tissue, an absorbent cotton wool and gauze surgical dressing.
Commemorated on 1 plaque
J. Sampson Gamgee, F.R.S.E. 1828-1886 surgeon and founder of the Birmingham Hospital Saturday Fund lived on this site
Repertory Theatre, Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham, United Kingdom where they lived