Vincent Square

place and playing fields

Aged 215

Vincent Square is a grass-covered square in Westminster, London, England, covering 13 acres, lined with mature trees including London Planes. In among a network of backstreets, it chiefly provides playing fields for Westminster School, who own it absolutely; otherwise, it functions as a green lung and a view for the homes, hotel and other organisations adjoining. Nine of its adjoining buildings have been given strict statutory architectural recognition and protection.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

In 1810 William Vincent (1739-1815), Dean of Westminster and formerly head master of Westminster School, paid a ploughman to mark out ten acres of playing fields for the pupils from the open ground known as Tothill Fields. At the school, Vincent Square is still called 'Fields'.

Corner of Vincent Square and Hatherley Street, Westmnster, London, United Kingdom where it sited