Bermondsey Abbey

Closed aged c. 456

Bermondsey Abbey was an English Benedictine monastery. Most widely known as being founded in the 11th century, it had a precursor mentioned in the early eighth century, and was centred on what is now Bermondsey Square, the site of Bermondsey Market, Bermondsey, in the London Borough of Southwark, southeast London, England.

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Commemorated on 3 plaques

Bermondsey Abbey founded as a priory of the Order of Cluny stood here 1082-1538

Shortwave Cinema, Bermondsey Square, London, United Kingdom where it sited

Bermondsey Abbey was founded in AD 1089 when King William Rufus granted the manor of Bemondsey to La Carite-sur-Loire, Clunian monastery. There may have been a monastery here in Saxon times as a document of AD 715 refers to monasteries at Bermondsey and Woking. [full inscription unknown]

Abbey Street, London, United Kingdom where it sited

Bermondsey Abbey The Cluniac [Benedictine] priory of St.Saviour at Bermondsey occupied ground between Bermondsey Street, Abbey Street and Grange Walk. Founded in 1082 it flourished from the 12th. to 15th. century This plaque marks the site of the abbey church

Chartes House (Tower Bridge Road elevation), London, United Kingdom where it sited