Real Academia de Bellas Artes
group and academy
Aged 176
WikidataThe Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Telmo is an institution whose main purpose is the promotion of artistic creativity, the study, dissemination and promotion of the arts and cultural, historical-artistic and environmental heritage, with the city of Malaga and its province as its preferred area of action.
Commemorated on 1 plaque
Este edificio, CEIP Prácticas Nº 1, albergó desde el siglo XVII, entre otras instituciones, al Colegio de San Sebastián de los Jesuitas, Escuelas Reales, Colegio Náutico de San Telmo, Real Academia de Bellas Artes, Escuela de Bellas Artes, Escuelas de Magisterio y Sociedad Malagueña de Ciencias
English translation: This building, CEIP Practices Nº 1, housed since the 17th century, among other institutions, the San Sebastian College of Jesuits, Royal Schools, San Telmo Nautical College, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, School of Fine Arts, Teaching Schools and Malaga Society of Sciences
Calle Rodríguez Rubí, 1, Málaga, Spain where it sited (1850-1961)