Chiquito de la Calzada
humourist, flamenco singer, actor, and comedian
Died aged 75
Wikidata WikipediaGregorio Esteban Sánchez Fernández (28 May 1932, Málaga – 11 November 2017, Málaga), known as Chiquito de la Calzada, was a Spanish flamenco singer and actor, although he rose to fame as a stand-up comedian. Chiquito de la Calzada became very popular in Spanish TV shows (especially Genio y figura) during the mid-nineties due to his unique style, strongly based on a surreal and histrionic approach to jokes and language, and constant gesticulation and movement while telling his jokes, placing his hands on his waist as if he had lower backache. Some of his characteristic words and expressions such as Fistro or Jarl, as well as his humorous lines or hyperbolic comparisons such as "you work less than Tarzan's tailor" quickly became memes and are now part of Spanish slang. His moves and jargon were so influential to other Spanish comedians, that some TV characters such as Crispín Klander, Lucas Grijander and Nuñito de la Calzada were entirely built around his image, style and influence. There is a mod for the video game Doom featuring his voice. On 18 February 2019, he received the Medalla de Oro al Mérito en las Bellas Artes.
Commemorated on 2 plaques
Gregorio Sánchez, Chiquito de la Calzada (1932-2017), icono del humor español, tenía en El Chinitas su segunda casa, donde acudía a comer casi a diario con sus amigos.
English translation: Gregorio Sánchez, Chiquito de la Calzada (1932-2017), icon of Spanish humor, had in El Chinitas his second home, where he went to eat almost daily with his friends.
Calle Moreno Monroy, 4, Málaga, Spain where they was
El Pimpi. En homenaje a los artistas, que actuaron en los 50 en este local, pionero de la Costa del Sol. Bonet de San Pedro, Los de Palma, Irma Vila, Trío Los Panchos, Fosforito, Los Vargas, Tahito Robemar, El «Tembleque», Pepito Vargas, El «Carrete», Chiquito de la Calzá, Miguel de los Reyes, El Niño de Almería, Maribel, La Quica, La Cañeta, La Repompa, Encarna La Reina. En los 70, Estrellita Castro, Victorilla, Enrique El Cojo, El Pele, Manuel Cano y otros.
English translation: The Pimpi. In homage to the artists, who performed in the 1950s in this pioneering venue on the Costa del Sol. Bonet de San Pedro, Los de Palma, Irma Vila, Trio Los Panchos, Fosforito, Los Vargas, Tahito Robemar, El “Tembleque”, Pepito Vargas, El “Carrete”, Chiquito de la Calza, Miguel de los Reyes, El Niño de Almería, Maribel, La Quica, La Cañeta, La Repompa, Incarna La Reina. In the 70s, Estrellita Castro, Victorilla, Enrique El Cojo, El Pele, Manuel Cano and others.
Calle Zegri, 6, Málaga, Spain where they performed